Using the results from the tool collection, the study, and the results of workshops organized with stakeholders in each country, the partners have published a policy paper for improving validation in the voluntary sector. The paper was prepared by the EDOS foundation with the support of the Lifelong Learning Platform.
It outlines...
- Recommendations for validation in the European voluntary sector
- Policy recommendations for education stakeholders
- Recommendations for future projects and research
- Engage stakeholders in a dialogue on validation in Volunteering in a European context
Appendix to the policy paper
Due (or should we say "thanks") to the Covid-19 crisis, the partners had the opportunity to further expand the work on the policy recommendations by looking at three aspects that contribute to a thriving system for the validation of competences in volunteering, those are:
- Erasmus+ projects dealing with validation in the voluntary sector: Which are the most active EU countries?
- Infrastructures in the voluntary sector, and their importance for validation
- Validation systems for the voluntary sector in EU member states